
  • Sticks and Stones, Cont.

    Sticks and Stones, Cont.

    Telling people you’re asexual is the gift that keeps on giving.

  • Broken Magnet

    Broken Magnet

    As Covid surges and the mask ‘debate’ returns, I was reminded of this cartoon I first drew in 2020, newly stylized and still relevant.

  • Acceptable Targets

    Acceptable Targets

    If you want to make jokes about the terrible attitudes of so-called involuntary celibates, be my guest, but the fact that they’re virgins isn’t what makes them despicable humans.

  • The Throw Down

    The Throw Down

    It seems like time for yo-yos to make a comeback. 

  • Time Management

    Time Management

    I realized I was probably aromantic when the idea of dating became a chore rather than a goal.

  • Start a Conversation

    Start a Conversation

    This Valentine’s Day, tell your crush you don’t want to have sex with them with a quote from ACE by Angela Chen.

  • The Scarlet Letters

    The Scarlet Letters

    Adultery isn’t the only word beginning with ‘A’ that no one wants to talk about.

  • You’re Welcome

    You’re Welcome

    I no longer have to hunt villagers while taking persistent bleed damage, in order to satisfy my hormone-fueled bloodlust. Win-win.

  • Who You Callin’ Deficient?

    Who You Callin’ Deficient?

    I made a secret Pinterest board full of ADHD anecdotes and named it ‘Evidence.’

  • The Bloodening

    The Bloodening

    Running of the bulls. Falling to the Dark Side. The Hunt for Red October. Down at Fraggle Rock. I could do this all day.

  • Sticks & Stones

    Sticks & Stones

    I don’t usually have the presence of mind to get it right in the moment, so I made this comic.

  • Embrace Your Inner Square

    Embrace Your Inner Square

    Just a few alternatives to the standard sexy witch, sexy cat, sexy toaster…

  • Choose Your Own Adventure

    Choose Your Own Adventure

    I frequently wish there was a place where I could exchange my uterus for something useful – like a toaster oven.

  • Legend of the Hidden Handbook

    Legend of the Hidden Handbook

    I can’t be the only person who wishes there was a manual of extremely detailed instructions on how to navigate every single social interaction with ease no matter the cultural, religious, or gender divides.

  • Cartoonist Woes

    Cartoonist Woes

    Coming up with slice-of-life webcomic content when you live a dull, introverted existence in the middle of a pandemic is tough sometimes.

  • Ace, Be Not Proud?

    Ace, Be Not Proud?

    It took me awhile to put my complicated feelings about Pride Month into a comic.

  • Living Solo VI

    Living Solo VI

    There aren’t a lot of baking recipes designed for a single person in mind.

  • Another Stand-Up Comic

    Another Stand-Up Comic

    I’m probably not getting a set at the Improv any time soon, but this material kills in my apartment.

  • My Tight Ten

    My Tight Ten

    Sometimes, especially after binge-watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, I imagine a career in stand-up comedy.

  • Programming Humor

    Programming Humor

    I spent entirely too much time thinking about a ‘programming humor’ t-shirt I saw online.

  • My Superpower

    My Superpower

    When asked what superpower I’d like to have, I always say teleportation – because I already have invisibility and I hate driving.

  • Living Solo V

    Living Solo V

    When a nasty bug knocked me on my ass, I tried to power through as an independent, single gal – but ended up calling my mom who brought me soup.

  • The Many-Headed Hydra

    The Many-Headed Hydra

    Anxiety can be a monster.

  • Living Solo IV

    Living Solo IV

    I hate wasting food, but portion sizes are tough, especially when ordering from places that plan on ‘family style.’

  • Birthday Goals

    Birthday Goals

    I planned a long, thoughtful comic about milestones to coincide with my 35th birthday; instead, have this gag strip about a movie that’s a million years old.

  • Consolation Prize

    Consolation Prize

    In Shakespeare’s time, leading apes into hell was the fate that awaited old maids.

  • Outfit Yourself

    Outfit Yourself

    This is essentially a long way of saying I think labels are best if you choose them yourself.

  • Living Solo III: Halloween Edition

    Living Solo III: Halloween Edition

    One year I dressed my 80lb German Shepherd/labrador mix up as the 11th Dogtor and I went as his TARDIS.

  • Unsuitable Candid-Ace

    Unsuitable Candid-Ace

    I would possibly be the world’s worst politician. Well, okay, I’d have some stiff competition.

  • Living Solo II

    Living Solo II

    If I lived with someone, I would force them to be my puppet.

  • Lie Back and Think of England

    Lie Back and Think of England

    I’ve lived my entire life in Southern California. I can’t handle “weather.”

  • Living Solo I

    Living Solo I

    I knew him, Horatio: a lettuce of infinite jest.

  • No Mitzvah

    No Mitzvah

    Anyone else develop unrealistic expectations about adolescence from media as a child that left you unable to cope with reality?

  • Like a Broken Magnet

    Like a Broken Magnet

    I give no fucks, I want no fucks.

  • My New Roommate

    My New Roommate

    I’m a dog person.

  • Bardic Inspiration

    Bardic Inspiration

    Evidence suggests that if I experienced sexual attraction, the world would be in serious trouble.

  • That Ain’t Asexual

    That Ain’t Asexual

    What is asexuality? Well, I’ll tell you what it’s not.

  • Representation Matters

    Representation Matters

    I spend too much time worrying about what I shouldn’t write, and not enough thinking about what I should. Also, I’m bad at math.

  • Oh, the Places You’ll Learn About Sex!

    Oh, the Places You’ll Learn About Sex!

    Sex education in America is a curious thing.

  • Craving


    Is this what it feels like to be horny?