You'll Never See Me Naked

The second panel shows the artist, a young woman with short hair wearing a purple pajama top, lying under a blanket on the sofa, propped up by pillows. She's wearing glasses, has messy hair, and has a crumpled tissue in one hand. A black cat sits on the back of the sofa, unimpressed. The artist says, "If I die, please don't eat me." Above the image is a checked list item showing one of the cons to living alone: 'There's no one to take care of me when I'm sick.'

Living Solo V

When a nasty bug knocked me on my ass, I tried to power through as an independent, single gal – but ended up calling my mom who brought me soup.

The second panel shows the artist, a young woman with short hair wearing a purple t-shirt, staring forlornly into her open fridge as she says, "I wish it were socially acceptable to knock on my neighbor's door and ask if they'd like my mostly untouched chicken chow mein." Above the image is a checked list item showing that one of the cons to living alone is, 'No one's around to eat my leftovers.'

Living Solo IV

I hate wasting food, but portion sizes are tough, especially when ordering from places that plan on ‘family style.’

The first panel, in shades of grey and purple, shows the artist, a young woman with short hair wearing a purple t-shirt, marking something off on a wall calendar. She says aloud, "That brings me another year closer to beating Steve Carell's record."

Birthday Goals

I planned a long, thoughtful comic about milestones to coincide with my 35th birthday; instead, have this gag strip about a movie that’s a million years old.

The first panel, in shades of grey and purple, shows the artist, a young woman with short hair wearing a purple t-shirt, holding a card and a stamp in her left hand. She says, "Let's see - I taught myself to crochet last week, so...I think...yes-"

Consolation Prize

In Shakespeare’s time, leading apes into hell was the fate that awaited old maids.

The first panel shows a rack of assorted clothing. They've been colored with the shades of various pride flags. The caption says, "For me, labels are like clothing."

Outfit Yourself

This is essentially a long way of saying I think labels are best if you choose them yourself.

The first panel, in shades of grey and purple, show the artist, a young woman with short hair wearing a purple t-shirt. She's leaning with her cheek on her fist, looking thoughtfully up to the left. She says, "Sometimes I think if I really want to do some good in the world, I should run for local office. I'm smart, I'm eloquent, I'd never have to worry about sex scandal-"

Unsuitable Candid-Ace

I would possibly be the world’s worst politician. Well, okay, I’d have some stiff competition.