Tagged: anxiety

See Something, Say Something, Do Something

A few years ago, when the world shut down and we all spent time getting more introspective than was strictly healthy, I started saving relatable anecdotes I found online to a Pinterest board. It wasn’t long before I noticed the algorithm had picked up a theme. But surely, I argued to myself, it was just a coincidence that I found those tales of ADHD so relatable.

In the first panel, in shades of grey with accents of red, a muppet-esque character dressed like a puritan with a scarlet letter A on her clothes, says, "I don't know about this Scarlet Letter skit, M.C. Are you sure it's a good idea to teach kids about adultery?" She's addressing the artist, a young woman with short hair, wearing a purple shirt with a red A badge, whose hands are on her hips.

The Scarlet Letters

Adultery isn’t the only word beginning with ‘A’ that no one wants to talk about.

The first panel, in shades of grey, shows the interior of a temple, with a golden book sitting on a plinth in a beam of light. A shadow is silhouetted in the doorway beyond. The caption reads, "After decades of searching..."

Legend of the Hidden Handbook

I can’t be the only person who wishes there was a manual of extremely detailed instructions on how to navigate every single social interaction with ease no matter the cultural, religious, or gender divides.

The first panel, in shades of grey, shows a sheet of paper, blank except for 'YNSMN Ideas' written at the top.

Cartoonist Woes

Coming up with slice-of-life webcomic content when you live a dull, introverted existence in the middle of a pandemic is tough sometimes.

The first panel, in shades of grey and purple, show the artist, a young woman with short hair wearing a purple t-shirt. She's leaning with her cheek on her fist, looking thoughtfully up to the left. She says, "Sometimes I think if I really want to do some good in the world, I should run for local office. I'm smart, I'm eloquent, I'd never have to worry about sex scandal-"

Unsuitable Candid-Ace

I would possibly be the world’s worst politician. Well, okay, I’d have some stiff competition.