Choose Your Own Adventure
I frequently wish there was a place where I could exchange my uterus for something useful – like a toaster oven.
I frequently wish there was a place where I could exchange my uterus for something useful – like a toaster oven.
I can’t be the only person who wishes there was a manual of extremely detailed instructions on how to navigate every single social interaction with ease no matter the cultural, religious, or gender divides.
Coming up with slice-of-life webcomic content when you live a dull, introverted existence in the middle of a pandemic is tough sometimes.
It took me awhile to put my complicated feelings about Pride Month into a comic.
I’m probably not getting a set at the Improv any time soon, but this material kills in my apartment.
Sometimes, especially after binge-watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, I imagine a career in stand-up comedy.
When asked what superpower I’d like to have, I always say teleportation – because I already have invisibility and I hate driving.
In Shakespeare’s time, leading apes into hell was the fate that awaited old maids.
This is essentially a long way of saying I think labels are best if you choose them yourself.