Tagged: mental health

See Something, Say Something, Do Something

A few years ago, when the world shut down and we all spent time getting more introspective than was strictly healthy, I started saving relatable anecdotes I found online to a Pinterest board. It wasn’t long before I noticed the algorithm had picked up a theme. But surely, I argued to myself, it was just a coincidence that I found those tales of ADHD so relatable.

The first panel shows the artist, a young woman with short hair wearing a purple tshirt and dark grey pants, walking alongside the anthropomorphic representation of her virginity, a rectangle with arms and legs and a large red V down the front. The artist carries a paper bag with a red plus sign on the outside and complains, "It's scary that so many places are trying to restrict access to birth control. God forbid women have hobbies."

You’re Welcome

I no longer have to hunt villagers while taking persistent bleed damage, in order to satisfy my hormone-fueled bloodlust. Win-win.