Tagged: pandemic life

The first panel, in shades of grey with purple accents, a caption at the top says, "The global pandemic really affirmed my realization that I don't need to look 'conventionally attractive' if I'm not trying to 'attract' anyone." Below that is a list of 'Helpful Steps to Not Giving a Damn' with tick marks next to the items 'self-isolation,' 'work-from-home,' and 'mask that covers my face on the rare occasions I go outside.' The image is that of the artist, a young woman with short hair wearing a purple t-shirt. She's showing off a cloth face mask designed to look like the asexual flag. In the bottom right corner, the caption continues, "This results in:"

Broken Magnet

As Covid surges and the mask ‘debate’ returns, I was reminded of this cartoon I first drew in 2020, newly stylized and still relevant.

See Something, Say Something, Do Something

A few years ago, when the world shut down and we all spent time getting more introspective than was strictly healthy, I started saving relatable anecdotes I found online to a Pinterest board. It wasn’t long before I noticed the algorithm had picked up a theme. But surely, I argued to myself, it was just a coincidence that I found those tales of ADHD so relatable.

The first panel, in shades of grey, shows a sheet of paper, blank except for 'YNSMN Ideas' written at the top.

Cartoonist Woes

Coming up with slice-of-life webcomic content when you live a dull, introverted existence in the middle of a pandemic is tough sometimes.

The first panel, in shades of grey and purple, shows the artist, a young woman with short hair wearing a purple t-shirt, holding a card and a stamp in her left hand. She says, "Let's see - I taught myself to crochet last week, so...I think...yes-"

Consolation Prize

In Shakespeare’s time, leading apes into hell was the fate that awaited old maids.